Gabriela Rojas


Providing dedicated support for women navigating menopause

SinReglas is the first Femtech startup in Mexico specialising in comprehensive menopause care tailored to enhance talent retention and bolster the health of women aged 40 and above. In collaboration with corporations and organisations, SinReglas is committed to providing dedicated support to women navigating the menopausal transition. 


Their partnership approach ensures the delivery of customised assistance and resources aligned with the individual needs of women during this crucial life phase. SinReglas acknowledges the diverse cultural and professional contexts in which women experience menopause. Through close collaboration with partner organisations, they develop and implement programmes and policies designed to cultivate supportive environments for employees undergoing this significant life transition.

Holistic approach to menopause support

SinReglas delivers a range of targeted solutions and support systems tailored specifically for women within partnering organisations. Employing their exclusive methodology, SinReglas evaluates factors such as knowledge, attitudes, working conditions, and the impact of menopause on women’s professional roles. Based on these assessments and organisational needs, SinReglas develops bespoke awareness workshops, cultivating environments that are both inclusive and secure.


Moreover, SinReglas’ Menocoaching service provides personalised assistance to women, aiding them in managing menopausal symptoms and embracing healthy lifestyle habits conducive to an active lifestyle. Their virtual health clinic offers comprehensive care, incorporating a gender perspective and encompassing general medicine, gynecology, psychology, and nutrition, with a specialised focus on menopause.


SinReglas actively designs and implements inclusion policies and training programmes aimed at fostering safer and more inclusive workspaces for menopausal women. Through these collaborative initiatives, SinReglas is dedicated to ensuring the holistic well-being and professional success of women as they navigate the menopausal transition.

SinReglas is the first Femtech startup in Mexico specialising in comprehensive menopause care tailored to enhance talent retention and bolster the health of women aged 40 and above.

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