Sarah Sampaio

Amazônia Agroflorestal

The first sustainable agroforestry coffee produced in the brazilian Amazon

Amazônia Agroflorestal is responsible for the value chain of Café Apuí Agroflorestal, the first sustainable agroforestry coffee in the Brazilian Amazon. Their dedication to quality and environmental stewardship is evident in their 100% organic Robusta coffee, cultivated amidst the lush Amazonian forest canopy. Utilising shaded planting techniques, they ensure optimal flavour and quality while contributing to forest preservation and community livelihoods. 


Through strategic partnerships, organic certification, and fair trade practices, they support family farmers by purchasing their coffee at equitable prices. Their distribution network spans Brazil, delivering premium coffee while championing forest conservation through Payment for Environmental Services. 


Their mission is to foster a sustainable, inclusive, and regenerative value chain in the Amazon’s southern communities, promoting agroforestry coffee production and native forest preservation. They envision a world where every stakeholder, from forests and communities to consumers and partners, benefits equitably.

Café Apuí's commitment to forest preservation

Café Apuí represents a commitment to the bioeconomy, advocating for forest preservation and community upliftment. Amidst the challenges of deforestation, fires, and monocultures in the Brazilian Amazon, the municipality of Apuí serves as a focal point. Located along the Transamazon Highway, it grapples with deforestation linked to extensive livestock farming, threatening biodiversity and livelihoods.


 In response, they spearhead initiatives promoting sustainable development and biodiversity conservation. Their project, the Payment for Environmental Services, aims to incentivise forest preservation among family farmers, fostering income generation while safeguarding ecosystems. 


Embracing agroforestry principles, they integrate native species cultivation with coffee production, nurturing forest regeneration and community prosperity. By empowering farmers with sustainable alternatives, they cultivate a symbiotic relationship with the forest, transforming them into stewards and advocates.

Key project results


Families benefitted along the chain of production

1 kg

Coffee produced

1 %

Increase in the producer’s annual income

1 ha

Areas reforested with the agroforestry coffee production model


Forests conserved

Amazônia Agroflorestal is responsible for the value chain of Café Apuí Agroflorestal, the first sustainable agroforestry coffee in the Brazilian Amazon.

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